
I'm Kaye Mueller...

Avid ocean swimmer, soon-to-be yoga instructor, translator of serious stuff, writer of fun stuff.

Coping with Challenges Limb by Limb

Coping with Challenges Limb by Limb

My week so far?

Many think that yoga is about twisting your body into a pretzel. Sure, the postures are a wonderful way to maintain balance, strength and flexibility, and perhaps pique curiosity about other aspects of yoga, but I’m discovering there is so much more to yoga than being a flexi-bunny.

Go out on a limb … sometimes that’s where you find the fruit!

Go out on a limb … sometimes that’s where you find the fruit!

The yogic journey has eight so-called limbs. These limbs are navigation beacons to living ethically, a GPS to bliss so to speak.

Right now, with Covid-19 and climate change, we’re facing unprecedented challenges that affect every person on Earth. People are full of fear. The elderly fear getting sick, the young ones worry about the future of their planet.

I’m scared too. If I’m going to stay calm and centred during these uncertain times I’m going to need to put some serious effort into embracing these limbs.

What are these limbs I hear you ask? Here’s my understanding of them as a rookie yogini:*

Limb #1: Yamas – five moral qualities for ethical living: peacefulness, truthfulness, generosity, self-control, gratitude

Limb #2: Nayamas – attitudes and actions for a good life: simplicity, acceptance, doing the right thing, self-reflection, devotion

Limb #3: Asana – physical practices (postures and poses) help embody the other limbs

Triangle pose during week one

Triangle pose during week one

Limb #4: Pranayama – finding calmness through the breath

My biggest challenge is finding stillness from the incessant chatter in my head

My biggest challenge is finding stillness from the incessant chatter in my head

Limb #5: Pratyahara: unplug from the distraction of the senses

Harder than you think!

Harder than you think!

Limb #6: Dharana: Get your priorities right. Concentrate on the things that bring lasting happiness

My joy

My joy

Limb #7: Dhyana: Stay strong in the crossfire of life. Build grit

Limb #8: Samadhi: Reach your highest potential, bliss state … I may have to leave this one for another lifetime.

My hope is that these global crises bring about a positive change. I pray that it will remind us of the importance of community and compassion. That we remember how to focus and act on things that really matter.

If ever there was a time in history to pull together, it’s now.

So, how was your week?

Namaste, Kaye

* My gratitude to Jennie Lee for the inspiration from her book True Yoga

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